Business Garage’s injection of positivity


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As we kick off 2021, and to counteract the doomscrolling, Business Garage is on a mission to bring you some light and positivity. Here are a few recent good news stories we’ve spotted:

  1. Oxford United Football Club focused on making a positive social impact through:
  • engaging and uniting young people on a National Citizen Service programme;
  • holding Covid-19-secure holiday camps and after school clubs, after restrictions eased;
  • delivering Oxford United branded face masks to care homes in the county;
  • tackling loneliness among older people by launching The Manor Club Extra as a virtual monthly meeting for the over 50s and a series of virtual coffee mornings.
  1. With the vaccination programmes underway, recruitment increased dramatically in December according to the UK Report on Jobs from the Recruitment & Employment Confederation and KPMG. Temporary recruitment rose at its fastest rate since October 2018 and permanent recruitment also rose, as the economy started to bounce back and business confidence increased.
  1. Low Carbon Hub social enterprise raised £1.5m of funding for renewable energy projects in Oxfordshire.
  1. BBC Radio Oxford has pledged to help find £5 million of work for Oxfordshire. Businesses can share your local job vacancies on air and online where jobseekers can find a list of jobs available. For every job shared by BBC Radio Oxford, they will add the wage on offer to our total up to their target of £5 million.
  1. Latest Covid-19 funding available for businesses:
  • The Local Restrictions Support Grant scheme offers retrospective financial support to businesses that were open but severely impacted by the Tier 2 restrictions of 2 December to 25 December 2020. This scheme is only open to accommodation, hospitality and leisure businesses.
  • The government is also offering one-off top up grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses worth up to £9,000 per property to help businesses through to the spring.
  • The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme is still open until the end of March and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been extended until 30 April 2021.
  • If you chose to defer VAT between 20 March and 30 June 2020 and still have payments to make, you can:
    • pay the deferred VAT in full on or before 31 March 2021
    • opt in to the VAT deferral new payment scheme when it launches in 2021
    • contact HMRC if you need more help to pay
  1. Employers can use the furlough scheme this time for homeschooling parents (reducing your obligations to show a reduction in workload or demand).
  1. Did you know you could claim tax relief for working at home due to the pandemic? It’s easy to apply via

Share your business good news story with us at [email protected] – we would love to hear from you!  Business Garage provide professional, reliable support with financial management, bookkeeping, payroll, HR consultancy and HR advice, and business strategy. Contact us on [email protected] to arrange a free consultation for your business.

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