Saturday 28th January is the Chinese New Year, and the beginning of the Year of the Rooster. Notable Roosters include Dolly Parton, Rudyard Kipling, Eric Clapton, Serena Williams and Roger Federer.
Celebrations include a huge parade in London’s Chinatown on Sunday 29th January and the Magical Lantern Festival in London from 19th January to 26th February. “New Year goodness” is a popular greeting at this time of year.
Our Managing Director and I are both Roosters. Apparently people born in the Year of the Rooster are characterised as honest, energetic, intelligent, flexible and confident. We were both quite happy with that assessment!
As your workforce grows and new characters join your team, how does that impact on your business? Is communication happening smoothly in the office? Is your brand message being communicated effectively? Are there any issues with particular members of staff? Are procedures still being carried out consistently?
For all your business support needs (HR, finance, marketing, strategy), contact Business Garage on 01235 433099 or [email protected] to find out how we can help your business in the Year of the Rooster.